Trauma Healing Dolls
Reclaiming My Sister, Medusa:
A Critical Autoethnography About Healing From Sexual Violence Through Solidarity
Doll-Making, and Mending Myth
Rosemary C. Reilly
Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
doll shown was not created in this experience.
Doll-Making, and Mending Myth
Rosemary C. Reilly
Department of Applied Human Sciences, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
doll shown was not created in this experience.
A critical autoethnography presents the author's experience, along with 11 other women, finding community,
voice, and courage with other survivors of sexual violence through community art, doll-making, and collectively reclaiming our sister, Medusa.
voice, and courage with other survivors of sexual violence through community art, doll-making, and collectively reclaiming our sister, Medusa.