Inner Healer: Yogini Dakini
Inner Healer came as quite a surprise to me. I was making a stick doll with the online class and did not think much about it until after the class and I started to finish IH. This was the first time I chose a face that someone else had made. The face was strangely familiar. She looked like me. She had circles on her right cheek. I... have a round scar on right cheek. She had long eyebrows that slanted down. I too had these eyebrows. She was looking off to a distant place. I often daydream. At first, I thought she would be suspended from the ceiling and then I realized that she could do many things, much more than I expected from a stick doll. She could stand in warrior pose or move to triangle pose. She seemed as though she was from India but also seemed like she knew how to be a Whirling Dervish. That must be when she is hanging. She has a hole through the top of her head that I was going to attach to the fishing line for her to hang; but I had to attach a bar on her back to be suspended. The hole is her third eye that needs to be unobstructed. She is the one who looks most like me. She knows that yoga and dance heal me, and she is constantly reminding me that I need to return to these practices. I asked myself what things she needs to be adorned with to identify her as a healer. She just needed Rose Quartz and Healerite at the back of her neck, the base of her skull. Rose Quartz, the heart crystal and Healerite the crystal of: heart, solar plexus, physical vitality, physical well-being, emotional balance, connection to nature spirits and earth healing.
It is as if IH is incorporating all the messages and qualities from my other dolls and speaks to me with one voice.
Lanette 2016 Healing Doll Way online class
It is as if IH is incorporating all the messages and qualities from my other dolls and speaks to me with one voice.
Lanette 2016 Healing Doll Way online class